
Air you breathe and how you think

If you have ever had to work where the air is foul, you know that you want to

  • Leave that environment as soon as possible
  • don’t enjoy your time.
  • don’t do your best work.

Now we have two questions :

  • How poor does the air you breathe have to be before you notice your efficiency decline?
  • How poor is it before your efficiency is actually degraded?

The answer to either of these questions can affect enjoyment at work, employee retention, attention and efficiency. Intuitively we probably understand that the better the air is, the more healthier we may be. However this article has measured what the actual effect on productivity is. The results are convincing that working in clean air with healthy CO2 concentrations and humidity levels can be commercially compelling.

At zyXby we can advise on ways to make your employees safe and more productive by improving your buildings ventilation system. If you can improve concentration of your employees by reducing the concentration of local impurities … what would it be worth to you ?

Joseph Allen’s work suggests a 26% or 101% increase in performing cognitive test results. Can simple changes to your work environment reduce re-training , absentee costs and show you care ? … What would that be worth to your business and you personally ?